Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is directed by Zack Synder. This movie is a continuation of "Man of Steel" and the after-effects of that problem. In this movie, Bruce Wayne, a billionaire, believes that Superman is a threat to humanity after his battle in Metropolis. Thus, he decides to adopt his mantle of Batman and defeat him once and for all.

My Thoughts: I honestly think that this film is better than what biased critics describe it as,  in fact, a lot better. Ben Affleck gives us a new and different perspective of batman,  Henry Cavill is phenomenal as superman and also is the rest of the cast. The theatrical cut was re-edited by WB. The Martha moment is understandable too because it's the last word Bruce ever heard from his parents. A decent film indeed with Zack Snyder's incredible cinematography and special effects. If the theatrical cut didn't do it for you I highly recommend you get the extended cut because WB had cut some scenes that made up to the plot of the film. 7.5/10 from me. It is one of the best comic book movies ever made.

Trailer :
